video thumbnail for What Really Happens to People After Death? Play button Play video 54:24 September 2021 What Will Heaven Be Like? Will People Really Live Forever?

At some point, every person thinks about death, the afterlife, and where we’ll end up. We know that one day we will die and that no one on this earth lives forever. It’s not something we really like to think about. It may even feel like an uncomfortable subject . . . but the question remains.

The good news is that we do have a reliable source that tells us how to navigate this tough subject. What does the Bible say about what happens when we die?

This is the 10th episode in the Prophecies of Hope series. Be sure to catch up with the previous free episodes if you missed them.


The Prophecies of Hope Bible event is an in-depth Bible study series that provides insights into what the Bible says about the final days of earth’s history. Theologian, author and international speaker Louis Torres will open the Bible to provide you with a clear and simple understanding of the book of Revelation and Bible prophecy. You’ll find that the Bible predicts not only the end of earth as we know it, but also reveals the only way of escape—and a message of hope!

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