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Have you ever just wanted a do-over in life—like hitting the reset button in a video game or selecting “undo” in a document? The Bible speaks of baptism as a powerful way to wipe the slate clean and have a totally new start. “The New Life” will unlock the secret to experiencing an all-new abundant life today.

This will be a beautiful study about starting over. It will show you the way to leave the past behind and find real meaning and purpose in your life.

This is the 13th episode in the AWR Master Class series called Unlocking Bible Prophecies. You can follow the series and interact LIVE at:

Ten years ago, Cami Oetman had a real encounter with God that would change her life forever. She was a successful entrepreneur at the time, and the transition wasn’t easy. However, the truth Cami will share in this series was so compelling that she knew every human being in the world should experience the love of Jesus as she had.

Within three years, she had preached 350 Bible presentations. Today, as a vice president for Adventist World Radio, Cami travels the world documenting the miracles that take place when people give their hearts to Jesus.

It may seem difficult to imagine yourself understanding Bible prophecy. Cami couldn’t either. She had spent two decades in the modeling world—in front of and behind the camera. She had also used her master’s degree in social work to care for hospice patients. She then started a successful retail business. But no one can predict how they will react when they have a real experience with God!

Have you ever wanted to start over in life? The Bible tells us how we can get a new start. In this study we will look at the new life—a fresh start that is available through Jesus.

Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. But John hesitated, knowing he was unworthy. “Jesus replied, ‘It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires.’ So John agreed to baptize him” (Matthew 3:13-15). Jesus was immersed in the water. As Jesus came out of the water, His ministry began.

Baptism is a crucial part of the Christian life. Not only was Jesus baptized as an example to us, but He also strongly admonished His people to be baptized. Baptism is a symbol of our willingness to accept the Gospel of Jesus.

The Bible declares that there is only one true method of baptism. It clearly says in Ephesians 4:5, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” If so, then there is only one biblical method. We can’t go wrong by following Jesus’ example.

When Christ was baptized, He went down into the water and came up out of the water. Jesus’ baptism was by full immersion! (Matthew 3: 16-17)

The whole person must be immersed, because the whole person has sinned. In fact, the Greek word “baptizo” or “baptize” means “t

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