
AWR Volunteers from Ohio and the Philippines Connect Man With Local Church in Uganda After He Requests Baptism Following Unlocking Bible Prophecies

One year ago, Moses clicked on an Adventist World Radio (AWR) Facebook ad from his home in Uganda. A few days later, he submitted a prayer request about a health issue he’d been dealing with for years. His experience with the AWR team was so positive that he soon asked a Bible question about clean and unclean foods.

Shortly thereafter, he was invited to watch AWR’s Unlocking Bible Prophecies series featuring Cami Oetman.

Moses said, “During those 14 programs, AWR enabled me to understand many scriptures I was wrongly interpreting. AWR enabled me to grow spiritually and comforted me in times of distress. In one program, Miss Cami talked about baptism as one of the requirements a Christian must undergo to become a part of the family of God, and I decided that I should get baptized to be born again in Christ.”

On October 21, Moses reached out to an AWR digital missionary named Jo Lynne from Coshocton, Ohio. Jo Lynne then introduced him to Primrose, one of AWR’s Center for Digital Evangelism volunteers in the Philippines, who connected him with a local church in Mbarara, where he was baptized and continues to grow in his faith. 

(If you’d like to watch the award-winning Unlocking Bible Prophecies series or share it with friends, visit, where it’s available for free in more than two dozen languages!)

Mother and child listening to radio in front of simple home.

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