
Gratitude through Giving

A few weeks ago, I was at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem where Jesus was laid on Crucifixion Friday. If there is one thing that I’m grateful for is that the tomb is empty—because we serve a risen Savior!

You can visit the tombs of this world’s religious leaders, and all contain their remains. Mohammed’s tomb is in Saudi Arabia, Buddha’s cremated remains are divided among his followers, and Confucius is buried in China.

The list goes on, but Jesus’ tomb is empty! He is the only One who gave His life for others, the only One who conquered death and rose again—and He now intercedes in the heavenly sanctuary for you and me!

If that isn’t cause for gratitude during this Thanksgiving season, I don’t know what is!

Thank you for helping us share this amazing news with the world.

—Duane McKey, President

Mother and child listening to radio in front of simple home.

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