
In Their Own Words

Imprisoned No More

He couldn’t move. Trapped in bed, stricken by a serious disease, Mr. Wu* had also lost much of his memory.

Although Mr. Wu didn’t believe in God, his wife was an Adventist. So as she faithfully listened to a daily online program (produced by young Adventists in her region of northeast China) through her mobile phone, she sat near her husband, hoping that the messages would touch his heart.

Her quiet efforts began to have an effect: Mr. Wu started trying to memorize the Bible verses he was hearing every day. As this was his only activity, he spent more and more time on this endeavor.

It was a miraculous day when he felt his memory coming back. After some time, he also regained the ability to move and walk.

Mr. Wu began accompanying his wife to church every Sabbath, with the single goal of memorizing the Lord’s Prayer. After several months, he answered God’s call and decided to be baptized. It seemed that joy had returned to the Wu household in full measure.

Two days later, Mr. Wu suddenly passed away.

“But he passed away with a peaceful heart,” says one of our producers in China, “and thank God.”

* Not his real name.



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Mother and child listening to radio in front of simple home.

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